We wish you all a Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
9:47 AM
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
7:55 AM
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Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
7:42 PM
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We are now full 12/23 thru 12/25
We are full for those days. Please give us a call however as I do get cancellations.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
7:40 PM
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One spot open for Dec23rd-Dec26
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Hi we have one spot open for 12/23-12/26. Could be for one dog or 2 if from the same household. Still have a few open spots left for New Years weekend as well.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
10:13 AM
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Holiday Vacancy
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
As of today I have only 3 spots left for the dates of Dec23rd-Dec26th and 2 spots left for Dec30-Jan 2nd.. Book soon if you are planning to board your dogs during the holidays!!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
4:22 PM
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December special
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Got a new shipment of bandanas in so we decided that for the month of December each dog that is boarded will receive a bandana. I am hoping the Christmas and winter bandanas will be here soon also!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
11:26 AM
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Doggy treat scavenger hunt
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Today we had a doggy treat scavenger hunt. It was fun to see who had the best nose. The winner was actually a 14 yr old cocker mix named Mazzie. She seemed to find most of the treats. The 2 visalas did pretty well to however the boxers tried but only managed to tip things over looking for treats that were already taken. I think Mazzie actually watched me hide them and knew where they were. She watches everything I do. Ranger the big weimeraner did fair except he was more interested in wanting to go outside. We played indoor fetch and chased around a bit and it was nice enough for them to go outside for awhile.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
6:19 PM
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Doggy Daycare begins December 5th!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Doggy daycare begins Dec 5th We will be starting doggydaycare on Dec 5th. Your pet will need to be current on all vaccinations and have a record from the vet. You will sign our regular boarding contract plus a shorter daycare contract. We will charge 7.50 per day for one dog and 10.75 per day for 2 dogs. Hours will be open and you will be able to bring your dogs in and drop them off in the kennel... before you go to work and pick them up when you go home we do not need to be there. I do require a 1 day notice before you bring them. I will have certain kennels set up for daycare with their names on them. I do not have my extra room even started yet however I think we can make this work. We will play games inside and outside of the kennel daily. My goal is to have a couch and some chairs ect for the dogs to hang out on during the day ect. My plan is to have a calendar in the office just for daycare and you can write down what dates you plan on bringing your dogs. If your dogs are going to be with us multiple days of the week then all payments will be due on their last boarding day of the week. We will not be furnishing food however I will furnish lots of treats. If the kennel is full with boarding clients then I may have to cancel daycare. I will always contact you to let you know this. If your dog is being boarded for the night then there is no extra daycare charge. This will be all new so if you have any questions, concerns or comments please let me know. I can be reached by phone at 507-841-2014, by FB message, or by e-mail rlboardingkennel@hotmail.com. You are also free to stop in and take a look at our facilities
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
8:45 AM
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Kennel is full 11/21-11/26
Sunday, November 20, 2011
We are completley full 11/21-26. If you wouled like to be put on a waiting list please call me as we do get cancellations.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
11:42 AM
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Holiday Deal
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Ssssh this is our blog Holiday special. If you book for either Christmas Eve and Christmas Day or New Years Eve and New Years day by December 10th we will charge you $10.00 instead of $15.00 for one night. When you call mention you saw this deal on our blog. However keep it quiet it is our secret.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
7:59 PM
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What a fun Sunday in Fall
Sunday, November 6, 2011
We all had a blast today at the kennel. The dogs loved the cool air and the wind and ran off alot of energy!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
8:05 AM
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Meet our family
Monday, October 24, 2011
We would like to introduce you to our children who have been a huge part in making this kennel business successful. We can't thank them enough for all they have done to help us.
Bottom left- Brandon, Chera & Corey Top left, Crystal & Kyle
Corey seems to be camera shy as I do not have any current pictures of him not making faces. He is our youngest son who lives, works and goes to school in Mankato Mn. He worked for the former owners of our kennel for 6 years and was able to give us great insights of what we needed and wanted to do.
Corey seems to be camera shy as I do not have any current pictures of him not making faces. He is our youngest son who lives, works and goes to school in Mankato Mn. He worked for the former owners of our kennel for 6 years and was able to give us great insights of what we needed and wanted to do.
Kyle and Crystal have 2 children Kylie who is 4 and James who is 1. They live next door to us and have been a huge help with the kennel. Kyle works at Polaris in Spirit lake, Ia and Crystal is going to school at Mn West.
Chera and her Husband Tim (not pictured :( ) have 2 children Treyson who is 6 and Makaylah who is 3. Tim works in St Peter and Chera is the SHIP coordinator for 5 counties in Mn. They live in Mankato. Tim and Chera have taken alot of time out of their busy schedules to come help us and it is hugely appreciated.
Brandon and his three children Chandler 8, Ava 6 and Samuel 4 live in Brookings SD. Brandon works at Daktronics. We have had his full support for our project and appreciate all of his encouragement.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
5:20 PM
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Book now for the Holidays for Boarding and Grooming!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Space is filling up and we are only 1/2 way into October for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New years.
If you want to set up a appointment to get your dog groomed and looking nice for the holidays set it up now. I will be grooming Mon-Fri 2p-8p and Sat and Sun by appt from now until the 1st of the year.
If you are planning a vacation for the holidays or are having company that does not do well with your dog you may want to book soon.
Please give us a call and if we do not answer please leave a message and I will get right back to you.
If you want to set up a appointment to get your dog groomed and looking nice for the holidays set it up now. I will be grooming Mon-Fri 2p-8p and Sat and Sun by appt from now until the 1st of the year.
If you are planning a vacation for the holidays or are having company that does not do well with your dog you may want to book soon.
Please give us a call and if we do not answer please leave a message and I will get right back to you.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
1:52 PM
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New dishwasher and office is painted:)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
We have been busy the last month or so. I finally got the office painted and pictures hung up. Even did a little fall decorating. We also purchased a dishwasher for the kennel so now all of the water pans and food bowels can be run through a sanitation cycle :) I also had to purchase a new electric powerwasher. I am sure they are not meant to be used daily as I use mine.
This past weekend Tom and I were at a wedding in Chicago and so our son and daughter-inlaw Kyle and Crystal ( who live right next door) took over the kennel chores and did a awesome job! I think our guests missed them when we got back. You can always be assured that we only leave the kennel in the most capable hands!
We will be announcing plans for our 1 year celebration soon also keep checking on the blog for some great holiday deals coming up that only those who check the blog or FB sites will know about!!
We have been busy the last month or so. I finally got the office painted and pictures hung up. Even did a little fall decorating. We also purchased a dishwasher for the kennel so now all of the water pans and food bowels can be run through a sanitation cycle :) I also had to purchase a new electric powerwasher. I am sure they are not meant to be used daily as I use mine.
This past weekend Tom and I were at a wedding in Chicago and so our son and daughter-inlaw Kyle and Crystal ( who live right next door) took over the kennel chores and did a awesome job! I think our guests missed them when we got back. You can always be assured that we only leave the kennel in the most capable hands!
We will be announcing plans for our 1 year celebration soon also keep checking on the blog for some great holiday deals coming up that only those who check the blog or FB sites will know about!!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
6:39 PM
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Busy at RLBK
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The kennel contines to be busy and we can't thank the great dog owners enough by trusting the care of their 4 legged family member to us . Tom and I try to become Mom and Dad to each one for the time they stay here. I love spending time with them and even if we are full we make a point to spend some cuddling and playing time with each one. This weekend we had a new client named Toby. Toby did very well and made a new friend named Riley. We also had Abby and Lewis, Fred, Rosie, Rocko, Bailey and Buster. All are such good and sweet dogs and we had a wonderful time.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
7:02 PM
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The Holidays will be here before you know it!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Holidays are fast approaching and we are already starting to fill up so if you know you are going to be gone and need a vacation spot for your 4 legged friend please give us a call!!
Also here are just a few comments from owners whos dogs have stayed at our kennel.
Brenda Skrove Max had the time of his life! What a perfect home away from home. You made our little fall get away perfect since we knew Max was having as much fun as we were. Remember to book us for Dec. 30, and the 31st. Thank you so much!
Becky Kane You guys are wonderful! Obi has so much fun with you
Also here are just a few comments from owners whos dogs have stayed at our kennel.
Brenda Skrove Max had the time of his life! What a perfect home away from home. You made our little fall get away perfect since we knew Max was having as much fun as we were. Remember to book us for Dec. 30, and the 31st. Thank you so much!
Becky Kane You guys are wonderful! Obi has so much fun with you
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
2:35 PM
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Weekend of 9/18
Sunday, September 18, 2011
We had a super weekend here at the kennel. We had mostly our smaller friends here although we did have our sweet lab friend Max stay with us. Everyone got along great and played and played outside.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
3:21 PM
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We will be adding doggy daycare to our services in the near future!!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
We plan on adding doggy daycare to our services we offer in the near future. We are still in the planning stage as to what to charges will be and what we will be offering. If you are interested in this service please feel free to give us your suggestions. You can call or e-mail us anytime.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
9:34 PM
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Tuesday Thoughts
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I want to thank all of my 4 legged friends(and their mom and dads too) who stayed with us this past weekend. You were all such a joy and I loved having you !!
Dogs are such great creatures. It is so easy to comapre them with children because in so many ways they are alike. If you spend time watching them play with eachother you can really see the differences in personality. Sometimes it maybe breed specific however alot of time it is just who they are. Most of the time they love to play together. All though like kids on a playground feelings get hurt and little arguements start. However just like most kids in a few minutes they are back to being friends again. This weekend even the older dogs took part in the yooungsters playing which was really fun to see. I feel so blessed to be able to work with these amazing creatures everyday.
Dogs are such great creatures. It is so easy to comapre them with children because in so many ways they are alike. If you spend time watching them play with eachother you can really see the differences in personality. Sometimes it maybe breed specific however alot of time it is just who they are. Most of the time they love to play together. All though like kids on a playground feelings get hurt and little arguements start. However just like most kids in a few minutes they are back to being friends again. This weekend even the older dogs took part in the yooungsters playing which was really fun to see. I feel so blessed to be able to work with these amazing creatures everyday.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
12:39 PM
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Having a great holiday weekend!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
We are having a great weekend here at Royal Lead boarding Kennel!! We have some great dogs here and are having a blast playing!! Check out our phots here and on Face Book!!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
7:27 PM
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Busting at the seams this weekend!!
Friday, September 2, 2011
We are over flowing with great guests this weekend!! I have been enjoying meeting new dogs and their owners all day. So far they are all getting along great and the young ones are having so much fun together. Even the older ones seemed to want to get into the action. I hope to get some great pics Sunday before some start leaving.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
7:16 PM
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Kennel is full for this weekend
Thursday, September 1, 2011
We are now full this weekend. Tom and I wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
8:33 AM
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One opening left for Labor Day weekend.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
We have 1 vacancy left for Labor Day Weekend. It is the extra large kennel so it can be for more than 1 dog. Don't forget we have a special this weekend!!!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
9:11 PM
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Kennel is full for the weekend of Aug 26th-Aug 28th and filling up for Labor day weekend
Friday, August 26, 2011
We are overflowing this weekend and are filling up fast for the holiday weekend coming up. If you are thinking about making an appointment now is the time to do it. We have our special going on also for Labor day week. If you board your dog for 4 nights the week of Labor Day you will only be charged $12.50 per night per dog.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
2:03 PM
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Summer is almost over :(
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wow what a great summer we had here at the kennel!! We want to thank all of our wonderful clients and our sweet 4 legged friends for making our first summer in business a fantastic one!!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
12:19 PM
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Labor Day weekend special!!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Reserve a spot for your dog or dogs for 4 nights over the Labor Day Holiday and board them for $12.50 per night per dog!!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
2:31 PM
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Questions and concerns I am asked from clients about boarding their dogs. .
Q My dog has never had a chance to socialize with other dogs so I am not sure how he is going to do.
A What I tell most clients is that most dogs do well with others. The problems I have seen is young dogs being a little to rowdy for older dogs and intact males often have dominance issues with eachother. Before any dog is let to run with others I first get the owners permission. I then let them out inside the kennel so they can meet eachother inside. Usually one will be free inside the kennels while the others are in their kennels and they meet through the fencing. If there is no barking at eachother I wil let them all run inside the kennel building for awhile and get used to eachother before I open up the door to the play area. Most have a really fun fun time together and enjoy the company of their own kind.
Q My dog doesn't seem to eat well when boarded what should I do?
A While it's true some dogs do not eat the first day or two most will eat once they are comfortable with being there. Usually if one dog starts eating the rest do to. If I have one that seems really scared and will not eat I often will hand feed them treats ect to help them adjust.
Q I have a very spoiled small dog and I am worried he will be scared around the big dogs.
A I have had dogs of all different sizes and breeds at the kennel and have noticed that often times the smaller dogs do better. Dogs really do not see size the way we do and most think they are top dogs.
Q Will my dog be played with during the day and walked??
A IWe spend some quality time each day with each dog. We often brush them and give each of them a special treat. Those that like to retrieve I play catch with them ect. If they are scared of going to the outdoor exercise area I do put a leash on and walk them outside around the acerage. This summer I have had so many dogs love the swimming pools. I sometimes empty and refill them 2 to 3 times a day. I have lots of differant types of toys in the yard (kongs, ropes, balls, frisbees) for them to play with.
Q Should I bring food from home?
A That is entirly up to you . You as the owner know how your dog does if it has different food than what it is used to. I usually have on hand Diamond , and We have a variety of Bisquits for treats.
A What I tell most clients is that most dogs do well with others. The problems I have seen is young dogs being a little to rowdy for older dogs and intact males often have dominance issues with eachother. Before any dog is let to run with others I first get the owners permission. I then let them out inside the kennel so they can meet eachother inside. Usually one will be free inside the kennels while the others are in their kennels and they meet through the fencing. If there is no barking at eachother I wil let them all run inside the kennel building for awhile and get used to eachother before I open up the door to the play area. Most have a really fun fun time together and enjoy the company of their own kind.
Q My dog doesn't seem to eat well when boarded what should I do?
A While it's true some dogs do not eat the first day or two most will eat once they are comfortable with being there. Usually if one dog starts eating the rest do to. If I have one that seems really scared and will not eat I often will hand feed them treats ect to help them adjust.
Q I have a very spoiled small dog and I am worried he will be scared around the big dogs.
A I have had dogs of all different sizes and breeds at the kennel and have noticed that often times the smaller dogs do better. Dogs really do not see size the way we do and most think they are top dogs.
Q Will my dog be played with during the day and walked??
A IWe spend some quality time each day with each dog. We often brush them and give each of them a special treat. Those that like to retrieve I play catch with them ect. If they are scared of going to the outdoor exercise area I do put a leash on and walk them outside around the acerage. This summer I have had so many dogs love the swimming pools. I sometimes empty and refill them 2 to 3 times a day. I have lots of differant types of toys in the yard (kongs, ropes, balls, frisbees) for them to play with.
Q Should I bring food from home?
A That is entirly up to you . You as the owner know how your dog does if it has different food than what it is used to. I usually have on hand Diamond , and We have a variety of Bisquits for treats.
Posted by
Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
1:36 PM
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Pictures won't upload
Monday, August 1, 2011
I am so sorry for anyone who has boarded their dog the last couple of weeks I can't get my pictures to upload. As soon as I can get it to work i will post the pics!!
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
3:35 PM
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Great Weekend
Sunday, July 31, 2011
It's been a very nice and busy week at the kennel. Many great guests coming and going.
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Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
7:06 AM
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Hanging out together
Friday, July 22, 2011
Pics of a few of the dogs we have today
Our TJ after his hair cut. |
He looks so proud |
Barkly |
Kane |
Oscar |
Kane, Cooper and TY |
Riley |
Ariat |
Oscar |
Abbey |
Leo |
Add caption |
Posted by
Royal Lead Boarding Kennel
1:14 PM
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